兔斯基 发表于 2018-2-11 15:12:14


http://file.24en.com/upload/24en/news/2018-02-10/6527dac5e8eb737d38ce65a838e2c343.pngWhat is Valentine’s Day ? We already posted some articles about Valentine’s Day. Here we are going to discuss some most romantic ways to celebrate this beautiful day.什么是情人节?前期我们已经发布了一些关于情人节的文章。今天在这里,我们将讨论一些关于庆祝这美好一天的最浪漫方式。http://file.24en.com/upload/24en/news/2018-02-10/16a52e563a4b1d4188cb4629b16efea1.png
1. Enjoy Valentine’s Day Alone1独自享受情人节Celebrate being hot and single, and enjoy some time to mingle. Who says that people need a companion for this one day of the year? Treat yourself to a spa or a long bubble bath. Take a long drive and enjoy the scenery. If it’s too snowy or iced down, stay in and watch sports games or that romantic movie on cable. Some people get lucky on this day庆祝你的仍旧火辣并且单身,可以再享受一段单身时光。谁说人们在一年中的某一天需要一个同伴?给自己做个spa或者泡个泡泡浴。开车兜风,欣赏风景。如果下雪或者结冰,就呆在家里看体育比赛或者有线电视上的浪漫电影。有些人在这一天很幸运。http://file.24en.com/upload/24en/news/2018-02-10/250dff6e04456942e51b45be68ecd6ef.png
2. Express With a Rose2玫瑰示爱No gift says “I love you” on Valentine’s Day like a bouquet of roses. While lavender are seen more on first dates and “love at first sight” times, white roses are a tradition for weddings. Pink, orange, and yellow roses are viewed as admiration, excitement, and friendship respectively. The yellow and pink are very similar and can be used for the same events. Finally, the red rose, as the color expresses and emphasizes beauty and love. Red roses are traditionally exchanged by couples and people whom wish to express their feelings towards another.在情人节,没有什么礼物能比用一束玫瑰花来表达“我爱你”更为浪漫。虽然薰衣草在初次约会和 “一见钟情”的场合下用的时候更多,但玫瑰是婚礼的传统。粉色、橙色和黄色的玫瑰分别被视为赞美、欢乐和友谊。黄色和粉色非常相似,可以用于相同的事件。而红玫瑰就像它自身的颜色一样是用来表达和传递美和爱。红玫瑰历来就是由情侣之间交换的信物或者是示爱的礼物。http://file.24en.com/upload/24en/news/2018-02-10/0b1b426cd5915d5f1f533f845628d8c2.png
3. A day for Friends, not Lovers3别让朋友说你重色轻友,这一天你也可以和朋友过Valentine’s Day is traditionally a way to celebrate the romance in your life, but it’s also a good way to show friends how much you value them. There are as many ways to do this as there are friendships, and no way is right or wrong.传统上情人节是一种庆祝你生活中国浪漫的一种方式,但它也是一种向朋友表达你对他们的重视程度的好方法。有很多方法可以做到这一点,因为你们之间的友谊,所以没有方法是对的或错的。http://file.24en.com/upload/24en/news/2018-02-10/4edbc9b5dba06b598fd337d5aa923a9d.png
4. Remind Your First Date4提醒你的第一次约会There’s a good chance that the beginning of your relationship was the time when you made the most effort to show her your romantic side, so why not turn back the clock and remind her how charming you were when you were wooing her?你的恋情开始的时候很有可能是你努力向她展示你的浪漫一面的时候,所以为什么不让时光倒流,提醒她你在追求她的时候是多么的迷人呢?http://file.24en.com/upload/24en/news/2018-02-10/0b651d66b8625ab5d09e02eb2b0d108e.png
5. Make a Romantic Date!5做一个浪漫的约会!Okay, so you may not be able to pull off anything like Justin Bieber‘s romantic “Titanic” date but surely you can swing with your love. Sometimes the best Valentine’s Day gift you can give is the gift of uninterrupted time together. You don’t need to leave the house to make Valentine’s Day special. Think of how great it could be to spend the entire day in bed together. Turn off your phones, don’t answer the door and enjoy each other.好吧,所以你可能无法像贾斯汀.比伯那样浪漫的“泰坦尼克号”约会,但你一定可以用你的爱意荡漾千。有时候,你能给予的最好的情人节礼物是不受时间干扰的礼物。所以这天你不需要特意的离开家去外地而让情人节变得特别。你可以想象一整天和对方躺在床上是多么美好。关掉手机,不要开门,享受彼此。
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查看完整版本: 比春节来的还早,情人节怎么浪漫度过?