巧媚飞舞 发表于 2016-5-26 18:30:25


1.Consistently do "above and beyond" work

Exceeding expectations is only the start: You should also look for ways to add value through projects and tasks that are beyond your role. Find things that need doing that no one has had time for.

2.Be hungry for growth, not status

Your boss will be far more impressed with your ability and desire to learn than he will with ego and ambition to improve your rank or status. Your hunger should be for the acquisition of skills and knowledge, not about a new office or a better title. That's not to say you wouldn't enjoy those things—after all, you're human—but they shouldn't be your primary motivation.

Resist the urge to talk about what you know or brag about how easy everything is for you. Instead, share what you're learning, and be vulnerable and honest about it. If you've suddenly discovered a new way to do a task or job better, don't say "I feel like I have my area wired", say, "Just when I thought I had my area wired, I learned a whole new way to approach that I can now apply to how I do a lot of things. What a great lesson!"

This sounds like an employee who is ready for a promotion—because she'll keep looking for opportunities to grow and thrive.

3.Work on continuous (self) improvement

Think of it this way: You are your career's biggest project. Get used to that idea. As you reach new levels of mastery, take the time to pat yourself on the back. Then, roll up your sleeves and challenge yourself to do what you just did—even better. Here's the thing about continuous self-improvement: Most people tend to go for what they know they can accomplish, not what most needs improvement. Try to have the courage to see yourself objectively and work on those things that most interfere with your own success.

Unsure where to start? Ask your boss what you could be doing better, then work consistently to make those improvements. It'll help you address any weaknesses that could serve as obstacles to a promotion.

4.Look for long-term projects

Tasks that take longer to accomplish are, by nature, more complex. The further up the hierarchy you go, the more intricate your job will become.

Managing complexity is different than just being smart; it's about overseeing multiple tasks with variable goals and execution strategies. Learn to handle multi-layered projects by picking tasks that are progressively more complex.

Just remember you want to stretch yourself—not drown. So, if you are used to managing tasks that can normally be completed in a month or two, don't sign up for a project that'll take a year to complete. Look for a six-month one first.

When you show you're adept at handling a more advanced project, you're demonstrating that you could work at the next level.

5.Work on your collaboration skills
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It isn't your boss' responsibility to help you find your dream job—that's up to you. But when any quality manager sees these attributes in an employee, he'll want to find new ways to help that person grow (and that often means a promotion). Yes, you may end up needing to have a direct, and potentially uncomfortable, discussion with him about why you're ready for a higher level position, but try these steps first and see what happens.

腹黑天蝎 发表于 2016-5-27 18:43:17

Be hungry for growth, not status

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