Amily爱美丽 发表于 2016-5-3 15:52:32

你经常一个人吃饭吗?Do you often eat alone?

本帖最后由 Amily爱美丽 于 2016-5-3 15:53 编辑

有半价的学生电影专场时 我会一个人去 买一份爆米花 会遭到很多好奇的打量的目光 可我的的确确是一个人的 这是不能改变的事实 无论是KFC这样的快餐 还是略微精致一点的西餐 我都是一个人的 他们美味也好 糟糕又昂贵也罢 一切的喜怒哀乐都只有我自己同自己分享
  家人时常来电问过的如何 我说很好 没有合得来的朋友 于是我每天大部分时间都在看书或者上网 谈恋爱的几率也小了很多 不是么 呵呵 我的父母对我现在的状态甚是满意 也许他们就希望我这样一个人下去 直到我上班 恋爱 然后顺理成章的结婚吧 呵呵 太理想化了不是么 虽然我现在时安静着没有声音的 可是我并不是那种顺重的人吧
Most likely because you view dining as a social activity. That's fine, but for many — including me — it's an experience whose value lies primarily in the enjoyment of quality food, good service and the graciousambiance of a good restaurant. I've dined alone in fine restaurants for decades with great satisfaction and no need or desire for company, which can often be a distraction from leisurely enjoyment of the dining experience.
Or perhaps it is you who have the problem? Maybe you are afraid to be alone? Maybe you grew up with a lot of siblings and have been surrounded with family members and were taught that you have to have people around you all of the time? Maybe you are afraid of what you will hear in your mind, when the sounds of the world shut off, and you are left with only yourself for company?

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