Amily爱美丽 发表于 2016-5-3 12:44:53


1. But this was not the case.the case: what actually exists or happens例:A lot of people have had trouble working with him, and that was certainly the case with me.(=I also had trouble working with him)(很多人都觉得很难跟他合作,我也觉得是这样。)She had expected him to come home, but that was not to be the case.(=but that didn't happen)(她想他会回家,可是他却没有回来。)Is it not the case (=isn't it true) that she took the car without permission?(她没经允许就把车开走了,这不是真的吧?!) 1. In fact, Lynette's life had become so hectic she was now forced to get her fried chicken from a fast food restaurant.act up: if children act up, they behave badly 捣蛋 例:He's a tough kid and he acts up a lot.(他很不听话,经常捣乱。)补充:''act up''的反义词是''behave''(表现好,乖乖的)例:Lynette在用圣诞老人的电话号码“要挟”孩子们之前,就说了:你们今天要乖乖的,我可不想在所有邻居面前出丑。You are going to behave today. I am not going to be humiliated in front of the entire help me (God): used to stress that a statement is serious and truthful 表示强调“自己认真的态度”例:I'm going on a diet and, so help me, this time I'll stick to it!(我正在减肥,这次,我肯定会坚持到底!!)While she was in France she developed a taste for fine wines.(在法国时,她学会了品酒。) At university she developed a taste for performing.(念大学时,她喜欢上了表演。)hectic: very busy or full of activity 忙碌的 例:I've had a pretty hectic day.(我这一天忙坏了。) a hectic social life(应酬很多) a hectic lifestyle(忙碌的生活) She maintains a hectic schedule as a journalist and mother.(她要做好记者的工作,又要照顾孩子,生活非常忙绿。) Lynette would have appreciated the irony if she had stopped to think about it.appreciate: to understand how serious or important a situation or problem is or what someone's feelings are 备注:''appreciate''的近义词是''realize''。例:He did not fully appreciate the significance of signing the contract.(他没有完全意识到签署这份合同的意义所在。) We appreciate that caring for children is an important job.(我们知道照顾孩子是很重要的事。) It is difficult to appreciate how bad the situation had become.(很难想到情况已然这么糟了。) I appreciate what the artist is trying to do, but I think the painting fails to do it.(我知道艺术家想要表达什么,但是他在画上没有表达出来。) 1. And if any of you acts up, so help me, I will call Santa and I will tell him you want socks for Christmas.1. All right, let's get this over with.get something over (with): to finish例:I just want to get this ordeal over!=I just want to get this ordeal over with!=I just want to get this ordeal over and done with!=(I want this ordeal to end)(快点结束吧,太痛苦了!)剧中的''let's get this over with''有“就这么着吧”的意思。 1. Since her modeling days in New York, Gabrielle had developed a taste for rich food and rich men.taste: the kind of things that someone likes 例:He asked about my taste in music.(他问我喜欢什么样的音乐。)
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